“Mental Magic” With Trading

First, let me tell YOU that this is NOT a site where YOU will find “The Holy Grail” of trading methods. It is a site where YOU will find legitimate trading methods that can be used by any level of trader with confidence.

There are ways to accomplish YOUR goals if YOU have the right tools. However, YOU still have to believe in YOUR system and be able to trade that system. Proper Trading Psychology is the Key! Much of our course is aimed at the mental aspects of trading. YOU are only as good as the method YOU use and YOUR ABILITY TRADE YOUR METHOD.

Pulling the Trigger

The two biggest problems all traders have are setting up a “system they believe in”, and “Pulling The Trigger”. This is especially true with exits and protective stops.

  • Do YOU hope for a turnaround until the pain gets too great and get out just as the market reverses again in YOUR favor after YOU just took the largest loss of the day?
  • Or, do YOU have a nice profit and get greedy and hold on as the market turns and YOU give back all YOUR profits?
  • Review our 14 Rules for Traders and see how many of these principles YOU use in YOUR current trading program.

Mental Realignment

Many traders talk about getting YOUR personal life, motivations, and subconscious mind in alignment before trading. Easy to say, hard to do.

We have some definite techniques to help get in the “Zone”. We have spent many years teaching executives and others how to make hard decisions quickly and correctly. Our course covers the hard issues and effective means to handle them:

  1. How to pull the trigger every time.
  2. The “Ka Ching” Trade setup YOU can use with confidence.
  3. When not to trade and why.
  4. Pre-market preparation, the key to a good day.
  5. Stress control for the active day trader.
  6. NLP techniques to change YOUR past, present and future.
  7. How to develop positive habits to enhance YOUR trading profits.
  8. End of day review procedures to lock in positive habits and remove negative habits.
  9. How to recognize and control fear and greed.

If YOU would like a free ten minute evaluation and overview of our program, join our e-mail list and call us to schedule an appointment to discuss YOUR trading challenges. We also provide Internet Training and Personal Coaching on futures trading methods.